When It's Right to Be Wrong
No. 5 | It's easy to be concerned with being right. In the world of marketing communications, it might be better to make things a little wrong.

In a recent Campaign piece, Richard Huntington makes a case for why being wrong is the best thing to do.
I’ve always believed that great work needs to be interesting. An interesting strategy delivered with an interesting execution. But I’m now of the opinion that the fastest route to being interesting is to be wrong.
Not totally, catastrophically, career-endingly wrong. But a bit wrong. Because something in our world that is a bit wrong has always been worthy of note.
I recommend reading the entire piece, but what I want to focus on here is his closing sentence in the above quote.
Getting noticed is challenging in today’s world of endless distractions.
If you’re making everything in your marketing communications perfectly right, it’s possibly even harder to get noticed.
We are wired to notice things that are wrong. Things that are out of place. Things that are different than they should be. Things that aren’t the way we’ve always experienced them.
If you want to capture more attention for what you’re making, look for how you can make things a bit wrong.
Just a little bit wrong. Hum...